Find Your Passion, Make It Happen
Cast Iron Apple Pie - One of my passions is baking. I am including a few shots of my creations.
Pumpkin & Apple Pies
Mulberry Pie
Hello there. Today I thought maybe a change of pace might be welcome. I have been thinking a lot about how we make our own futures. Sometimes that seems so farfetched or like the forces of the universe are working against us. Other times, it feels like opportunities just present themselves. Most of the time it is somewhere in between. In the muck of this year, I think for me, things feel flat a lot of the time. Or like the air has been let out. To combat that, I have been seeking to rekindle interests that I haven’t explored in a long time. We all have things we are passionate about. Some of us can turn those into careers. Others, prefer to keep them as hobbies. Passions can be activities (running, climbing, water skiing, sightseeing, etc) or they can be cerebral (puzzles, reading, learning, writing, etc) or they can be emotional (scrapbooking, photography, volunteering, the arts, your family, etc). If you are not sure what your passion is, I would encourage you to take inventory of how you spend your time. What are things you do that bring you pleasure? What are things you engage in that suck you in and time passes in a flash? Those might be your passions. Losing yourself in your passion for a short time each week can be so rejuvenating. Doing something you love without pressure or expectations can be exhilarating. This week, seek to renew a passion you have let fall by the wayside. It’s like getting together with an old friend. A friend who missed you and welcomes you. You may find you feel relaxed and ready to face more of the challenges this year keeps bringing. That is valuable.
Thanks for reading and Take Care,