Hi there. Hope you all are hanging in there. As expected, we are still rolling with the punches with this year of 2020. Here we are, rocketing into the holidays. And what do we hear? Cancel. Well that is just not what anyone wanted, is it. So I have a few thoughts on this (Surprise!). First off, holidays are difficult for a lot of people just in a regular year. This happens for a lot of reasons. Sometimes it is due to the loss of a loved one or due to family strife. Some people just feel real melancholy around the holidays for reasons that may be hard to define. For others, the holidays are the highlight of the year. They look forward to it for months, the food, the people, the atmosphere and they have high expectations and take great joy in it. Wherever you fall in the holidays, this year is going to be different. For people who struggle at the holidays, there is the possibility that this year they will feel some relief at not having the pressure of “enjoying” them. Or they may feel pressure in different ways that are equally difficult. For those who love the holidays, there will be a feeling of loss. And possibly resentment as this is one more thing that has been taken away from us.
I think that to get through the holidays, again, wherever you fall with it, creativity is going to be key. Letting yourself freely think about ways to achieve your desired outcome for the holidays within the parameters that we have been given. I think when we look at it this way, as a challenge, it will take the sting out and give us something to focus our energy on to create new “traditions” (And, as it turns out, has us focusing on things we can control. Which almost always helps). Planning to do some video calling to spent time with loved ones. Plan games or plan to watch football “together.” Set a menu and have parallel dinners. Or select items for everybody to make and then do a drop off potluck. Trade pies for example. If you plan to do baking, split up the items and again, have everyone deliver some of theirs to each other to enjoy. There are ways we can overcome this non-holiday year. It won’t be the same, but that does not mean we can’t get what we need out of it. We will overcome. We will be ok.
If you find that you are struggling, with the holidays or for other reasons, please take a look at my website and consider making an appointment. All you have to do is click the “Book an Appointment” button at the top of the page. I can help.
Thanks for reading & take care,
Decorating the tree November 2020
Decorating a different tree in 2017